=== Connector for Gravity Forms and Google Sheets === Contributors: crmperks Tags: gravity forms, gravity forms Google Sheets, gravity forms to google docs, gravity forms google drive, gravity forms to google sheet Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 5.2 Stable tag: 1.0.2 Version: 1.0.2 Requires PHP: 5.3 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Gravity Forms Google Sheets Connector sends Gravity forms entries to Google Sheets. == Description == Gravity Forms Google Sheets Connector sends form submissions from Gravity Forms to Google Sheets when anyone submits a form on your site. Learn more at [crmperks.com](https://www.crmperks.com/plugins/gravity-forms-plugins/gravity-forms-google-sheets-plugin/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=directory&utm_campaign=googlesheets_readme) == Gravity Forms Google Sheets Connector Setup == * Go to Forms -> Settings -> Google Sheets then add new account. * Go to Forms -> select any form -> Settings -> Google Sheets then create new feed. * Map required Google Sheets fields to Gravity Forms form fields. * Send your test entry to Google Sheets by clicking "Send to Google Sheets" button. * Go to Forms -> select any form -> Settings -> Google Sheets Logs and verify status of previously sent entries. **Connecting Google Sheets account** Connect any gravity forms form to Google Sheets by safe and secure Oauth 2.0. Additionally, you can connect multiple Google Sheets to Gravity Forms. **Map Google Sheets fields** Select any Google Sheet then Map gravity forms form fields to Google Sheet fields. **Filter Gravity Forms Google Sheets entries** Either send all entries to Google Sheets or send specific entries based on user input. For example , only send those form entries to Google Sheets which contanin work email address. **Manually sending entries to Google Sheets** You can automatically Send gravity forms submissions to Google Sheets when a user submits a form. Also, you can manually send gravity forms submissions to Google Sheets. **Gravity Forms Google Sheets logs** View a detailed log of each gravity forms submission Whether sent or not sent to Google Sheets , You can easily resend any entry to Google Sheets.

Premium Version Features.

Following features are available only in premium version. Gravity Forms Google Sheets Add-on.

== Screenshots == 1. Connecting Google Sheets Account to Gravity Forms. 2. Mapping Google Sheets fields. 3. Gravity Forms Google Sheets logs. 4. Manually Send Gravity Forms entry to Google Sheets. 5. Get Customer's email and phone infomation from Full Contact(Premium feature). 6. Get Customer's gclid, utm parameters , geolocation, browser and OS (Premium feature). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I get support? = Our team provides free support at https://www.crmperks.com/contact-us/. = Gravity Forms to Google docs = * You can directly save Gravity forms entries to Google docs. * Simply Select Google sheet then map form fields to Google sheet fields. * Gravity forms entry will be added to Google sheet when anyone submits a form on your site. = Gravity forms Google drive = * You can easily save Gravity forms entries to Google drive. * Simply install this free Gravity forms Google drive plugin, map form fields to Google sheet fields. * All form submissions will be automatically saved to Google drive. == Changelog == = 1.0.2 = * fixed invisible success message issue. = 1.0.1 = * updated settings. = 1.0.0 = * Initial release.